• An SME IPO is a way for a privately owned Small and medium enterprises (SME) company to sell its shares to the public for the first time and gets listed at BSE SME or NSE Emerge platform. Companies with minimum post-issue capital of Rs 1 crore and a maximum of Rs 25 crores are eligible for SME IPO in India.
  • An initial public offering ( IPO Listing ) requires well-planned and strategic communications before, during and after the event. Our expert team has helped and still helping and supporting companies of all sizes successfully navigate their entry into the equity markets.
  • An SME IPO is a way for a privately owned Small and medium enterprises (SME) company to sell its shares to the public for the first time and gets listed at BSE SME or NSE Emerge platform.
  • It increases visibility, prestige and credibility of the company that issues the IPO.
  • An SME IPO is a way for a privately owned Small and medium enterprises (SME) company to sell its shares to the public for the first time and gets listed at BSE SME or NSE Emerge platform.
IPO Terms
  • Exchange : The stock exchange where the IPO shares are proposed to be listed. Mainline IPO's are listed on BSE and NSE. The SME IPO's are listed on NSE EMERGE or BSE SME platform of the respective exchanges.
  • IPO Open Date / Issue Close Date : The opening and closing date of the IPO bidding process. Investors can apply in an IPO during this time only.
  • Lot Size :The minimum count of shares an investor can apply for in an IPO. A lot size of '400' means that an investor needs to bid for at least 400 shares.
  • Issue Price : The price per equity share. There are 2 types of IPO's- Book Building and Fixed Price IPOs. Book Building IPOs will have a price range, say Rs 120-125 and investors need to bid within the price range. Fixed price issue has a specific price to bid.
  • Issue Size : The total monetary value of the IPO. It is arrived by multiplying the number of shares offered by the company with the issue price per share

The listing requirements for BSE SME IPO
  • The company should have a website from which investors can gather the information that helps decide whether to invest in them
  • The company should agree to facilitate trading in demat securities and enter into a contract with the depositories.
  • The company's promoters should remain unchanged one year preceding the company filing for IPO under the BSE SME sector.

Our Services in this segment are as under :

It provides a chance to companies to raise capital.

Net worth and working capital of the company is increased.

It helps companies to raise capital borrowed at a higher rate.

IPO Listing